
Tai verdes stuck in the middle lyrics
Tai verdes stuck in the middle lyrics

tai verdes stuck in the middle lyrics

Verdes continued vlogging his journey via TikTok, explaining cover art concepts, making a fan-contributed lyric video, and even revealing plans for an upcoming music video. Playfully narrating the experience of being in the in between stage and pairing his narration with an undeniably catchy melody, Verdes created a song with which people can both bob their heads and resonate. Verdes then begins to tell a story of being stuck somewhere between lovers and friends, verbatim recounting "things girls have said to me," as he told Rolling Stone. The song starts with an infectious bass hook as the four on the floor drums queue the entrance of the verse. Verdes discovered the instrumental for "Stuck in the Middle" scouring through YouTube in the late hours of the night.

tai verdes stuck in the middle lyrics

As he told Must See T.V., success to him means "being able to press play on my Tai Verdes page and enjoying every single song." Verdes says this is part of how he defines success. It exploded because people enjoy the song. "Stuck in the Middle" did not explode because it was linked to a popular dance or trend. Verdes did not strike the tipping point the way you might think. this gets 1000 likes I'll put this song out. Cue just over two months later and the song now has over 2.7 million streams on Spotify alone. Four weeks later, the song hit #1 on the Spotify U.S. On June 1, he dropped it, and it went viral.

tai verdes stuck in the middle lyrics

On June 24, Verdes teased his indie pop tune, "Stuck in the Middle" on TikTok, announcing that he would release the full song if his post reached a thousand likes. Verdes works at Verizon, but now, instead of helping pick up dropped calls, he's also dropping catchy tunes and picking up calls from record labels.

Tai verdes stuck in the middle lyrics cracked#

And it seems Tai Verdes has cracked the code. As of late, it has taken form in the shape of wildly popular micro video sharing platform TikTok.

Tai verdes stuck in the middle lyrics